Tuesday, April 27, 2010


There is a limit to everything.

Today I've reached it, I'm clueless

After so many irregular working days/nights, I have to create my own day off's to recover. This company is asking so much but it gives u nothing but shit in return.

At this point I'm just thinking, what am I doing to myself?

I wanna resign


  1. Hopelijk lees je dit. hmmm ik heb speciaal een account gemaakt om een comment achter te laten. Was niet eens nodig geweest achteraf gezien :)

    I'm just gonna type in English right now, because it seems that I'm slightly more fluent when it comes to typing in general.

    I have a friend who I know from high school that does your line of work. I'm not really sure if she worked for BA or Air France, but I know that she worked at several different airports. I think she worked in four European countries. France, Germany and England for sure, but the last one I forgot. Anyways, she really loved her job. She kept saying that it was the perfect job for her. She met new people on a daily basis, had wonderful colleges and loved that each new day, offered new challenges. Sounds great and all, but in the end it was too much for her. She was facing ridiculous irregular workdays and her workload kept increasing. The company saw that she became better at her work as time went by and gave her more and more cases to work with. Even though she could handle all her cases that were given to her, she was physically and mentally exhausted after each day of work. She was barely given any time to recover. Her fatigue accumulated daily and eventually broke her down to the point where she had blackouts, random faints, insomnia, nausea and migraine headaches. It was crazy that she had to do so much, but got zero to none in return for her ongoing effort to please the passengers and the company. The turning point for her was the time she was hospitalized. She was so exhausted that she had to go to the hospital to recover. After her recovery she finally decided to resign. After that she wanted to work for another company, but took some time off to have a carefree period in her life. She went on several trips to just enjoy life. During that one year period off-time, she moved to the US and married her current husband whom she met during her working days, and got pregnant. She's now a full-time mother and last time I spoke with her she is planning to go back being a service agent at the airport when the time is right. It's a shame though that I rarely get to speak with her nowadays, even though she was about 4-5 years older than I am we got along very well and had very good talks about everything. :) Oh well... people come and go in life. That's the way it works....

    Dont get me wrong, I'm not saying: Quit your job, go get married, make a gazillion babies... :P

    Jokes aside :) What I'm trying to point out is that it's fine to work hard. I even encourage it, but know your limits. Stop when it becomes too much of a strain on your health. Judging from your previous blog posts, you seem to like your work and take pride in it. Just don't let it control your life even if you love it so much. It could be potentially harm you. Even though I don't know you, I'd hate to see you go down the same path. You probably won't as to you're already considering resignation, but before you do, take the time to see if your decision is the right thing for you. Don't make hasty decisions now :)

  2. I think I shared the same view as you did back in the day. I didn't think highly of the service agents at the airport. I always thought, how hard could that be... seriously. Well, my friend really opened my eyes on what an actual day of a service agent looks like and what it brings. I could never imagine the amount of work it takes to please passengers and the amount of stress it causes. Because of her situation, I became to fully appreciate the work that not only service agents do, but other jobs as well that I've looked down upon. I currently have the utmost respect for people who work as a service agent. Especially the ones that work at the airport, for they probably get the most agitated and annoying people that the world has to offer. Even though I've not remotely done anything in that line of work, I can sympathize with you on this matter. I can't imagine how hard it must be to attend and please all the passengers that got stranded at the airport during that 7-8 day volcanic ash crisis. Must have been a hell of a week for you. It's good to hear though that most of the people appreciated the work you've done for them. Something you should hear daily, but probably rarely will... It's a shame though.

    Even though I don't know you, I already have the utmost respect for what you do as a job and your way of thinking. I was gonna comment on your older posts, but I wasn't sure if you'd ever reread them and if you've had notifications turned on when someone comments on your blog posts. The old blog I used did send you an e-mail, but it seems you have to manually specify it here at blogspot. Anyways this comment is turning into a blog post on it's own. I'm gonna leave it at that... Maybe I'll comment on your older posts later if you find it interesting to read, because some of them are very interesting to say the least. :P

    Oh and don't bother trying to figure out if you know me. Because you don't, and I don't know you either for that matter. Came across your Facebook, seemed like a nice person, decided to check out your blog, got a bit of confirmation on what I thought you would be and the rest you see here. Sometimes things in life are simple...:)

    PS: Damn... I had to split it in two comments? Sorry for the ridiculous long read... -.-

  3. hey stranger ;) thanks for your comment! I'm so surprised getting this from you and I want to say I really appreciate it! Thx for sharing your story with me! Things are getting better now ;)

  4. Don't mention it :) Sometimes people should help each other by sharing their stories or experiences even if they are strangers, such as yourself :P Otherwise the world would be a grim little place to live in. Actually one of the reasons I started blogging 6 years ago. Anyways, glad to hear things are getting better now. Keep your head raised and keep moving forward. Give it your best and everything will be alright in the end. (bob marley). :)
